Sunday, 14 May 2023

How I Survived my Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure

Hi Everyone and Welcome to my Blog. 

This is Primarily about, "How I have Survived Heart Disease". This story could relate to you, or someone you know. 

I am 60 years old and have had some Serious Heart Problems over the past 25 years. The Local Heart Hospital used to call me, "Johnny Webster, the Miracle-Man". Since 1998, I have Survived 12 Heart Attacks, had open Heart Surgery Twice and have 6 stents, in my Pulmonary Artery. The Heart Hospital gave me the nickname, "Johnny the Miracle-Man", because, usually 1 in 3 heart attacks would normally kill you.

I followed the usual "Local Doctors Treatments", for several years and came to realise that most of their "Heart Medicines", do NOT "Cure Illnesses". The Medicines for High Blood Pressure, just cover up your symptoms, reduce your pain and suffering, and never tackle the root cause of your illness. They actually maintain your illness and suffering ~ without any Cure. This may be good for their Business, but it really is Not a Suitable Permanent Solution for you. 

Doctors Remedies, rarely seem to tackle the Root Causes, of an Illness.

I have taken some gambles on Natural Medicines, to literally "Save my life" and "Extend my life". Where I was previously, "Sure to die, ~ if I didn't make some changes", I took a Gamble and have "Personally", had great success. I truly believe that I would NOT be alive today, if I had Not taken the Steps I did.

I had watched my dear elder Brother, go through exactly the same Heart Disease and he died. I was on the same pathway as my Brother. I saw everything that had happened to him, before he died. We had discussed possible remedies, but he never got to try them. When he died, I knew my days were also numbered. I was 6 years younger than my brother and everything seemed to be happening to me, but a few years more, in advance. I wasn't far behind him.

I asked my immediate Relatives how I looked to them and did they think I looked, "Close to Dying?" I asked them to be Very Honest. My sister is a Retired District Nurse and knows a thing or two. I have started calling my sister, "FRANK", because that's how she was being to me. She definitely thought I was going to die; and that was 5 years ago, in 2018. 

I will tell you all the things I have tried. I even tried growing Marijuana, for a particular part of my Heart Related Problem, with Amazing Success. I will cover that in another blog.

It was clear that if I just continued on the same treatments that my brother took, then I would end up dead.

I will Point out from the Beginning, "I am NOT a Doctor, and I am NOT giving any Medical Advice". I am just telling my Personal Story of what I did to apparently stay alive for longer.

 I will tell you ...

  • The Heart Related Problems I have had; 
  • The Alternative Medicines I have Tried and;
  • What these Alternative Products have done for me.

Note Well: We are ALL Different Individuals. You can listen to what I have personally done and whether you want to try it, is entirely, Your Decision. At the end of the day, It is Your Body and Your Choice. You are an adult and you have your right to decide. I would suggest that Nobody Knows your Body and how your feel, more than you do. But you are always advised here to, "Consult your Surgeon or Doctor" (Like I eventually Didn't).

If a Doctor told me, "John, You have got Terminal Cancer and there is nothing we can do to save you". Well, "I would Never Give Up and Never Surrender". That's what I always say. I would listen to every Holistic Healer, do lots of Research and look under every tree, to Remedy My Situation.

IF ~ I believe it is only a Question of Time, before I will Die, then I will make some Drastic Changes and try anything to defy the Innevitable. That is what I have done until now. I have found some good Solutions, which made sense to me and which have worked for me. I will like to explain my Personal Adventure and Experiences with Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure and maybe you can relate or find things in common, with my personal story.

There was a time, when I was on a Doctors Standard Treatment for Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure

A typical Blood Pressure reading was ranging from "172/92" to "203/118". This was with me taking Ramipril, 10mg per day. The difference between Systolic and Diastolic was clearly too big and that was suggesting my second replacement Mitral Valve Replacement was Leaking. HOWEVER, now this alternative medicine, Cardio Shield, is working for me, the Gap between Sys and Dia, is about Normal.


To control the changes, I continued to take my Doctors Prescription Medicines, while taking the other Alternative Remedy (Cardio Shield). I always had a Blood Pressure Monitor, and checked my pressure regularly. You can get a reliable Blood Pressure Monitor on eBay, for around $20. So as the New Medicine became effective, I gradually reduced my Prescription Ramipril, until it was no longer necessary. I went from 10mg Ramipril per day, down to 5mg, then to 2.5mg per day and quite quickly dropped to Zero Ramipril.

As the new medicine started working for me, my Blood Pressure suddenly dropped, because I no longer needed the Ramipril. The Ramipril was too much. I reduced it and soon ended up stopping it altogether.

There are many other parts to my story, but this is the most important. I will be writing more blogs about my whole story. Now I can see it is definitely working for me, I just wanted to SHARE My Personal Story, Right NOW. If this can help improve or save the life of one person, then I will be so happy.

My Brother, was previously taking the same Doctors Prescription Medicines, as me and it killed him. My personal story was much worse, with more heart attacks and more Heart Surgeries. I will tell you more about my story later, in my next Blog Post. I decided to take a chance and Tried Cardio Shield. I called it "Kill or Cure". 

I had nothing to lose. I continued my "Coventional Medicines" of Ramipril, Bisoprolol, Blood thinners and other drugs and also took the "Alternative Remedy" (Cardio Shield) alongside. I followed this Natural Remedy and the Official Doctors meds, and after a few weeks, I started to see and feel real differences. With this Natural Medicine, my High Blood Pressure dropped lower and lower. Then my terrible Breathlessness also went away. That's the good extra benefit in this Medication, my Breathlessness is gone and it's a big relief. After a while, my High Blood Presure dropped to pretty much the perfect level 120 Systolic/80 Diastolic. As the blood pressure dropped, I just lowered the Doctors Prescription medicines, until I was off them altogether.

Ask yourself these Questions:

What is your life worth?

If you carry on as you are, what is your real life expectancy likely to be?

What would you give to have normal Blood Pressure?

If you like what you have read so far, Please Click this Link >>>>> and Get More Information. It could Prolong Your Life and make you feel a lot better ... If you TAKE ACTION.

This is my First Blog. I will be adding several more and will also make some videos on YouTube soon. If you can relate to my heart problems so far, I really Urge you to Click the Link >>>>> and Get MORE INFORMATION.

This solution has the potential to save more lives. We are all at different STAGES of this illness. I was really living on a knife edge. I feel so much better, fitter and stronger now.

You have nothing to lose ... Just take a look and listen, to see if it sounds a possible solution for you, or someone you know.

I hope to see you again soon, in my next blog. 

Sincere wishes

"John the Miracle Man"

Click Here >>>>>>> for FULL DETAILS on Cardio Shield

Cardio Shield

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